Once you submit your documentation on both Badwater Groups, the Admins have 3 weeks to Talk & Vote
Each Admin's has to ultimately vote with a clear Yes or No and the vote is posted publicly
If there is a No vote, the Admin has to give an explanation because the BW146 crosser deserves one
If any Admin can vote but does not publicly vote, they forfeit their Admin role ( yes this happened )
You cannot vote on your own crossing
If more than 70% of the Admins ( that remain after the 3 weeks ) vote with YES, then you are admitted/approved
Admins are allowed to switch their vote back and forth No Yes No aso. during the 3 weeks
An Admin can be excused from voting if they announce in advance you are out of reach ( eg quad BW146 ).
Right now there is no good reason to complicate with Proxy since it's unlikely many Admins will be unavailable
Sorted alphabetically and can be reached at Badwater146Admins @
Anthony "Tony" Portera
Bogie D
Laz Lazarus Lake
Lisa Bliss
Lisa Smith Batchen
Marsh Marshall Ulrich
Mauricio Puerto
Mike Melton
Parker Rios
Ray Zahab
Ricky Haro
Rob DeCou
Dawn Lisenby
Luis Escobar
auto removed on 2/1/21 per the Admin rules for not responding to the last 2 Vote Requests